Happy Monday gang…and thankfully it is a lovely morning!

It is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to be a part of a proposal.  It’s very cathartic to see the wedding experience from its inception…before the guest list, before the budget meetings, before the vendor decisions and itineraries….there are two people who feel so connected that one of them gets the nerve to  ask the other to commit to stay connected, to fight for this connection and sacrifice for it…to experience life connected, forever.

And it’s wonderful to watch from an outside perspective because it’s impossible to predict the response…who of us knows what is “the right” way to respond?  One side is hoping that the question came out *close* to what they imagined in their mind – and that it is being considered for all of its weight and meaning…and the other is trying hard to process, to catch up emotionally and then to respond appropriately.

It’s a wonderful tradition.  And we were honored to have been a part of it.  So, cheers Tyler and Cristina – soak in every moment that follows…Hope you like the images…feel free to leave us a comment and tell us your thoughts.

San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography San Antonio Riverwalk Proposal Photography

Cheers everyone…

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